Group Curriculum

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 *projects adjusted to group age


1. Finding Out About Others- social communication skills.

2. Generating Play Ideas- developing own ideas & building on play themes.

3. Group Play- how to become part of a group.

4. Emotional Vocabulary- “inside/outside” art, feelings games.

5. Positive and Negative Thinking.

6. Flexibility- how to be a ‘flexible friend’. Leadership skills.

7. Joining in Play- role play exercises: feeling left out/including others.

8. 1:1 Dyadic Play- specific play skills. Also, big problem/little problem and our reactions.

9. Resolving Conflict- questions, role-play, problems/solutions art.

10. Good Friend Qualities- ‘friendship tree’ project.

* Due to the experiential nature of the group, weekly topics may shift as other issues naturally come up and need group attention.